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Mango Lovebird: A Comprehensive Guide To Keeping And Breeding

Mango birb Eyebleach
Mango birb Eyebleach from

The Mango Lovebird, also known as the Peach-faced Lovebird, is a popular pet bird due to its beautiful coloring and relative ease of care. It is a relatively small bird, growing to a maximum size of around 6-7 inches. The Mango Lovebird is native to Africa, specifically Angola, Namibia, Botswana, and South Africa. The Mango Lovebird is one of nine species of lovebirds, and is the most common species kept as a pet.

The Mango Lovebird's Characteristics

The Mango Lovebird is a bright and vibrant bird, with an orange-red face, bright green body, and yellow belly. The Mango Lovebird's wings are green and yellow, with black markings along the wings and tail. The Mango Lovebird's eyes are black and the beak is a light brown. The Mango Lovebird has a life expectancy of 10-15 years, with proper care.

Keeping and Caring for Your Mango Lovebird

The Mango Lovebird is a relatively easy bird to care for, but it does require some attention and care. The Mango Lovebird should be kept in an enclosure that is at least 18x18x24 inches. The enclosure should have plenty of perches for the bird to climb on and explore, as well as plenty of toys for the bird to play with. The enclosure should also have plenty of fresh water and food dishes. The Mango Lovebird is a social bird, so it should be kept in a flock of at least two birds.

The Mango Lovebird should be fed a variety of foods, including fresh fruits and vegetables, seeds, pellets, and cooked eggs and beans. The bird should also be given a vitamin supplement to ensure its health. The Mango Lovebird should have its cage cleaned regularly and the bird should be given time outside of the cage to explore and play.

Breeding Your Mango Lovebird

The Mango Lovebird is relatively easy to breed, with the proper setup and care. The Mango Lovebird should be kept in an enclosure that is at least 24x24x36 inches. The enclosure should have plenty of perches, toys, and a nesting box for the birds to use. The Mango Lovebird should be fed a variety of foods and given a vitamin supplement to ensure its health. The Mango Lovebird should also be given plenty of time outside of the enclosure to explore and play.

When breeding the Mango Lovebird, it is important to make sure that the birds are of opposite sexes and that they are compatible. The birds should be given plenty of time to bond before breeding. The breeding season for the Mango Lovebird is usually from April to August. During this time, the birds will build a nest in the nesting box and lay eggs. The eggs should be incubated for 18-21 days, and the chicks should be weaned at around 6-7 weeks of age.


The Mango Lovebird is a beautiful and vibrant pet bird. It is relatively easy to care for and breed, with the proper setup and care. The Mango Lovebird is a social bird and should be kept in a flock of at least two birds. The Mango Lovebird should be fed a variety of foods and given plenty of time outside of the enclosure to explore and play. The Mango Lovebird is a great pet bird and can be a wonderful addition to any home.

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