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Encouraging Black-Throated Finch Birds In Your Backyard

Birds in Our Backyard Birds photographed in our backyard 2008June 2012
Birds in Our Backyard Birds photographed in our backyard 2008June 2012 from

The black-throated finch is a small, attractive finch native to Australia. With its distinctive black throat and white cheeks, this species is unmistakable. The black-throated finch is an important species to the Australian ecology, and its presence in backyards is a great way to help the environment while enjoying a colorful species of bird. Here, we’ll discuss how you can encourage these birds to visit your backyard and help the environment in the process.

Provide the Basics

The first step in inviting the black-throated finch to your backyard is to provide the basic essentials for them. This includes food, water, and shelter. To provide food, you can hang a bird seed feeder in your backyard, but make sure to select a type of seed that is well-suited for finches. Nyjer seed is an excellent choice, as finches love it, and it’s widely available. You can also set out a shallow bird bath or include a water feature in your backyard to provide the birds with a source of fresh water.

When it comes to shelter, providing dense foliage is the best way to go. Plant shrubs, trees, and other types of vegetation in your backyard, and make sure to space them out. This is important, as black-throated finches like to feed in the open and then retreat to the safety of the trees when they feel threatened. Creating a mix of open and dense areas in your backyard will help to create a welcoming environment for the finches.

Build a Nesting Box

If you’re looking to attract a pair of black-throated finches to stay in your backyard, you’ll need to provide them with a nesting box. These finches generally prefer to nest in a tree or a shrub, but if you provide them with a nesting box, they may use it instead. When constructing a nesting box for the finches, make sure to use wood that has been untreated and is free of toxins. The box should also be placed about four to six feet off the ground in an open area, and should face east or south to ensure it gets plenty of sun.

Avoid Pesticides

In order to create an inviting environment for the black-throated finches, it’s important to avoid using pesticides or other toxic chemicals in your backyard. These birds feed on insects and other small creatures, so if you use strong pesticides or herbicides, you could be inadvertently harming them. Additionally, these chemicals can also contaminate the water sources and food sources in your backyard, making it difficult for the birds to survive. If you’re having issues with pests, try using natural methods such as introducing predatory insects or using barriers and traps to control the population.

Avoid Cats and Dogs

Black-throated finches are skittish birds, and they don’t like to be around cats and dogs. If you have cats or dogs in your backyard, it’s best to keep them away from the finches. If possible, keep them indoors or in a fenced-in area when you’re expecting the finches to be around. Additionally, it’s important to keep dogs on a leash when you’re in your backyard, as even the presence of a leashed dog can scare away the finches.

Be Patient

Once you’ve done all the work to create a welcoming environment for the black-throated finches, all that’s left to do is wait. These birds aren’t always quick to take up residence in a new place, so it can take some time for them to become comfortable enough to stay. Be patient, and keep providing the essentials for them, and eventually, they may decide to make your backyard their home.

Enjoy the View

Once the finches have taken up residence in your backyard, you’ll be able to enjoy the view of these colorful birds. Watch them as they feed on the seeds, take a dip in the bird bath, and build their nest. You’ll also be helping the environment, as the presence of these birds helps to control the insect population and provide a food source for other animals. So, if you’re looking for a way to help the environment while also enjoying a beautiful species of bird, consider inviting the black-throated finch to your backyard.

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