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The Amazing Parrot Fish: A Comprehensive Guide For 2023

Fab Photos Friday the Colorful and Necessary Parrot Fish! TRAVELS
Fab Photos Friday the Colorful and Necessary Parrot Fish! TRAVELS from

What Are Parrot Fish?

Parrot fish are a group of mostly brightly colored marine fish found in tropical and subtropical waters around the world. They are named for their brightly colored beaks which resemble a parrot’s beak. Parrot fish are considered one of the most beautiful and exotic of all the tropical fish species. They come in a variety of sizes, shapes and colors, making them a popular choice for both amateur and professional aquarists. Parrot fish are herbivores, meaning they feed primarily on algae, sponges and other plant matter.

Types of Parrot Fish

There are over 80 different species of parrot fish, divided into two main groups: the wrasses (family Labridae) and the cichlids (family Cichlidae). Wrasses are deep-bodied, stocky fish with bright colors and intricate patterns. Cichlids are more slender and have more subdued colors, often with stripes or spots. Both types of parrot fish are popular in the aquarium trade, but wrasses are more commonly kept due to their showy colors and peaceful nature.

Parrot Fish Behavior and Care

Parrot fish are active, social fish that thrive in groups. They should be kept in an aquarium that is at least 30 gallons, with plenty of hiding places such as rocks and driftwood. Parrot fish should be fed a variety of food, including a quality flake food, frozen or freeze-dried foods, and occasionally fresh vegetables, such as lettuce and spinach. They should also be provided with plenty of algae-based foods such as spirulina and nori.

Parrot Fish Breeding

Parrot fish are egg-scatterers, meaning that they release their eggs into the water column where they are fertilized by the male. The eggs hatch in 3-5 days and the fry are free-swimming after another 5-7 days. The fry are very small and require very small, live food such as baby brine shrimp. The fry can be separated from the adults once they are large enough to no longer be eaten. The fry can be reared in a separate tank until they are large enough to be moved to the main tank.

Parrot Fish Diseases

Parrot fish, like many tropical fish, are susceptible to a variety of diseases. The most common diseases include bacterial and fungal infections, which can be treated with antibiotics and antifungal medications. Parrot fish may also be infected with parasites, which can be treated with an appropriate medication. It is important to maintain good water quality in the tank and to watch for signs of disease, such as lethargy, loss of appetite, or abnormal swimming behavior.


Parrot fish are a group of beautiful and exotic tropical fish that can be a great addition to any aquarium. They are active and social fish that do best in groups, and should be provided with plenty of hiding places and a varied diet. They are egg-scatterers and the fry are small and require live food. Parrot fish can be susceptible to diseases, so it is important to maintain good water quality and watch for signs of illness. With proper care, parrot fish can thrive in any home aquarium.

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